The age old method of inviting people in business opportunity are not working anymore. New era dictates new strategies. The market has changed. Physical goods market is over saturated, competition is fierce and strong. Digital products paid via cryptocurrency is now the trend.
Read more.When you activate your RedeX account you are automatically positioned in a matrix program. Where you and your team collectively put an effort to fill up all the vacant spaces within the matrix in order to advance to the next platform. There's no time frame. As soon as you complete the positions within your current platform you will get your Bitcoin rewards. Easy, simple, yet a very powerful way to leverage your Bitcoins.
Every RedeX affiliate starts in platform 1, here you will have to complete 62 positions in order to advance to the next platform. A part of your earnings in platform 1 shall be used to buy your re-entry (0.064 BTC) for the next platform. You net earning in platform 1 will be: 0.096 BTC.
On this platform you will have to fill up 30 positions in order to get your reward. To fill up this platform you will have two options; 1. Help and wait for your sponsored affiliates to complete their platform for them to follow you on this platform, or 2. Directly sponsor affiliates to Platform 1 and 2.
A part of your earnings in platform 2 shall be used to buy your re-entry (0.500 BTC) to the next platform. Your net earning in platform 2 will be: 0.524 BTC.
On this platform you will have to fill up 14 positions in order to get your reward. To fill up this platform you will have two options; 1. Help and wait for your sponsored affiliates to complete their platform for them to follow you on this platform, or 2. Directly sponsor affiliates to Platform 1, 2 and 3.
A part of your earnings in platform 3 shall be used to buy your re-entry (2.061 BTC) to the next platform. Your net earning in platform 3 will be: 1.939 BTC.
On this platform you will have to fill up 6 positions in order to get your reward. To fill up this platform you will have two options; 1. Help and wait for your sponsored affiliates to complete their platform for them to follow you on this platform, or 2. Directly sponsor affiliates to Platform 1, 2, 3 and 4.
A part of your earnings in platform 4 shall be used to buy your re-entry (4.326 BTC) to the next platform. Your net earning in platform 4 will be: 3.918 BTC.
This will be your last platform. On this platform you will have to fill up 62 positions in order to get your reward. To fill up this platform you will have two options; 1. Help and wait for your sponsored affiliates to complete their platform for them to follow you on this platform, or 2. Directly sponsor affiliates to Platform 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Since this your last platform, you'll enjoy all your rewards for this platform. Your net earning in this platform will be equivalent to your final earnings. Congratulations! You just earned 138.432 BTC!
Starting with just 0.005 BTC to earn as much as 138.432 BTC is truly a lot of work. What you see here is just for illustration purpose. RedeX does not make any guarantee. Reward is a result of consistent hard work, patience and lot of learning.
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